Connecting the World with the Otherworldly
Connecting the World with the Otherworldly
Connecting the World with the Otherworldly
Connecting the World with the Otherworldly
2690 Ocean Ave. / 19th Ave. Unity Church
Come to this rare San Francisco appearance, as Ascended Master Li Chen speaks on the critical moment we are in and what we can do to thrive ...
2690 Ocean Ave. / 19th Ave. Unity Church
2315 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Berkeley City Club Hotel
Ascended Master Li Chen speaks on the pivotal times we are in and how to cultivate our inner guidance system to navigate our world with joy ...
2315 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Berkeley City Club Hotel
Tickets are $35 for each event. You may purchase here or at the door. Seating is limited.
A 2 minute Monday Moment with Ascended Master Li Chen. All videos can be found on YouTube at Ascended Master Li Chen.
Trance Medium for Ascended Master Li Chen
Reiki Master, studied with Hawayo Takata
Psychic/Spiritual workshops
Public Talks/Channelings
Private readings with Ascended Master Li Chen
CONTACT me at jocelyngraef@gmail.com
Li Chen is an Ascended Master teacher Spirit Guide, meaning he has “graduated” from the cycle of reincarnation and comes to us from a higher perspective.
He understands us deeply and sees us in our totality — who we are now, who we are in our essence, and who we have been in all our life expressions.
He presents as a Chinese Tibetan-Buddhist monk — his last life identity. He has transcended the need for any religious or philosophical structure and speaks to us simply from a place of higher truth.
He speaks to us pragmatically; never judgmental, often funny, and always with a deep respect for our process and genuine love for us.
Readings with Ascended Master Li Chen follow a Question and Answer format.
He desires to speak to your interests, curiosities and concerns. No holds barred — whatever you want to know, ask. Ascended Master Li Chen is your guy.
There’s no such thing as a wrong question, nor do the questions in any way have to be “spiritual.” Ascended Master Li Chen will tell you that everything is spiritual in that it contributes to your evolution, even the most mundane query. So go for it.
Write those questions down! This will make the best use of your time and ensure you don’t forget that one burning question.
Readings are given over the phone, recorded and emailed to you by the end of the day. Ready?
All workshops are approximately 2 hours long, unless otherwise indicated.
If you are interested in having a workshop in your home or place of business, please contact me.
Reiki is a Japanese word that means "Universal Life Force."
In the Usui tradition that Grand Master Hawayo Takata brought to us out of Japan, it is a hands-on technique (in the first level) that one is initiated into, enabling anyone to practice effectively. (The picture is of Mikao Usui, center, who received Reiki from spirit; Chujiro Hayashi, left, was given the honor and responsibility of being Grand Master after Usui retired; Hawayo Takata, right, final Grand Master.
Reiki works on all levels - spiritual, emotional, mental and physical - finding the problem and healing it at the source.
Being Life Force, it has its own intelligence and goes where it is needed without direction from the practitioner beyond the prescribed hand placements that were designed to cover all the organs and the chakras.
There is no need to have knowledge of anatomy or even focus on the work at hand. In fact, Reiki treatments can include conversation. We don't direct the healing or control the energy. The only requirement to be a practitioner is to be properly initiated and follow the hand placements on the body.
The Importance of Lineage
The word "Reiki" is commonly used today. It is increasingly rare that it is the pure Usui System of healing that Takata taught, but an unfortunate mixture of some Reiki, a lot of imagination and too much ego.
After Takata's transition in 1980, people began inventing their own symbols and techniques to try and make this perfect system "better." When changed, perfection can only be diminished. Unfortunately, many pure-hearted seekers were misled into healing work that had little to do with Reiki.
Ordinarily, this might not matter, but when Reiki was changed, it was diluted and therefore less effective.
As a result, lineage is of extreme importance. Not only was I fortunate to learn from Takata herself, I was in the exalted company of Rev. Beth Gray and Rev. Fran Brown, two of Takata's Masters, as well as Dorris Denby who honored me with Mastership after receiving her own Mastership from Fran. Not least, she was my mother.
We all enjoyed many years of Reiki conversations and shared work. I benefited greatly from the proximity of these wise, gifted and generous women. Beth was my mentor, a spiritualist minister, teaching me everything I know about the psychic world. I didn't know it then, but she was the doorway to my life. Fran, too, mentored me for years.
I studied with Grand Master Hawayo Takata in 1975, receiving Reiki levels I and II from her. It wasn't until 1993 that I stepped into Mastership. My deep commitment is to teach Reiki the way Takata taught me, changing nothing, adding nothing. The Grand Master sets the fees, so I charge today what Takata charged back in 1975.
Reiki is simple, pure and powerful.
I ran a weekly open clinic back in those early '90's, where people would show up to give and/or receive treatments. Some practitioners would enact elaborate rituals or call in angels before starting a treatment. Others would "beam" Reiki from across the room to the expectant patient, while yet others would tell how they received their Reiki - from start to Mastership in a weekend. Nowadays, there are claims of being able to initiate online. None of this is Reiki. It was my inspiration to become a Reiki Master, in order to pass on the teachings of Hawayo Takata, the last and final Grand Master of Reiki healing.
REIKI I - $150
This first level of Reiki requires three initiations spaced out over three days and a final "closing in." Each day consists of about two hours depending on the size of the class. The student learns the story of Reiki and how it came into being, as well as the proper hand placements including the exceptions to standard rules of approach. Practical application is part of the class and students will work on each other. No symbols are used in Reiki I.
REIKI II - $500
A deeper commitment, Reiki II includes the ability to call in a greater power, to work with the mental process including memory, creativity, addictions and more, as well as sending Reiki to a distance. Not everyone is eligible for Reiki II. This is at the discretion of the Master and requires at least three months of development using Reiki I. It consists of review and discussion of Reiki I, one initiation and learning the 3 symbols associated with Reiki II.
This is the deepest commitment and requires a minimum of three years working with Reiki. This is the most powerful level and includes the ability to teach and initiate others into Reiki energy. One initiation and one more symbol given.
There are only 3 degrees of Reiki.
I've included this section because many of you have been curious about how I got started interacting with the world of spirit and psychic phenomena. The short answer is; I didn't have a choice. I was born with the ability to see auras and spirits. It was always a part of how I saw people until I grew old enough to understand that how I am was odd and unacceptable. I became frightened of the gift and did everything I could to get rid of it. When that didn't work, I tried to ignore it. When that didn't work I found a teacher. It was self-defense. If I was going to be like this forever I needed to understand how to turn this "curse" into a gift of service of some sort .. or just admit I am deranged and commit myself. The universe kindly stepped in, as it is wont to do, and deposited me on the doorstep of my mentor, Beth Gray, a renowned psychic and Spiritualist Minister who taught me everything I know, along with connecting me with Hawayo Takata and Reiki. I owe her the debt of giving me my life and putting me on my path. Then life happened, as life does, and it wasn't until many years later that I met Ascended Master Li Chen in my meditation and we began a slow and solid conscious relationship. It was years of working with him before I started actually channeling him. I needed to trust him (not something I easily give) and ensure that what was coming out of my mouth - never mind that it wasn't me - was useful and safe. It all came together somehow, not through any grand plan of my own, and my life has been about this work ever since. It's been well over thirty years since I've been working with Ascended Master Li Chen and I can promise you that a life of service is worth every sacrifice asked. The result is contentment, fulfillment and clarity, joy and community.
The long version of my story is my book Great Awakening, along with Ascended Master Li Chen speaking on a number of topics. If you are interested in purchasing your own copy, send me a note with your address. The book is $28 including shipping.
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